OBJECTIVE Take the notes and tips that I get from the FYP 2 briefing. Meet supervisor to inform the about what I will buy and to know flow of thing to do for the project. METHODOLOGY Attend FYP 2 briefing at TTL 1. Meet Sir Aswadi to talk about the project. RESULT On Wednesday 31 July 2019, I attended FYP 2 talk conducted by Sir Imran. He told us about the flow of the FYP 2 and what we need to do for our project. Sir Imran also told us some tips to help us to become more efficient to make our FYP 2 project.Sir Imran told us what we need to do and when our presentation of our projects. From Sir Imran we know what we need to do about our report. On Friday, 4 August 2019 my partner and I made and appointment to meet Sir Aswadiat Level 5 on3 P.M. when I meet Sir Aswadi, I tell Sir about Last week i search for the item i needed for my project and my budget. Sir told me to start my project by this week and Sir Give me few task and show the progress by next...