• Draft flowchart of project.
  • Draft the method of project for hardware
  • Implement past paperwork (block diagram) in the methodology.                          



                                                                         Figure 1

Figure 1 shows the flows chart of the project it show how the project works from start then if the pressure sensor is on we can set in the apps if we want to sleep or rest. If we choose to sleep the sleep monitor, speaker and vibrator will on for the alarm. when we choose to rest sleep monitor will of while speaker and vibrator will still on.

Hardware Implementation

          There are several reason to pick raspberry pi as the controller:
  • It included WIFI
  • It have headphone jack
  • It use micro USB power source
  • It have Micro SD slot for storing information and to load operating system
  • It can be a web server that can do more complicated stuff than Arduino

in this project i will use raspberry pi 3 as the controler of the IoT smart pillow. Raspberry pi 3 using Broadcom BCM2837 CPU chipset. The chipset powered by 1.2GHz Quad-Core ARM Cortex-A53. The raspberry pi 3 also have 1GB ram that can make it run more difficult task with more smoother.
          The Broadcom BCM2837 chipset is a 64 Bit CPU, this shown that the power of the chips that raspberry pi 3 use. Raspberry pi 3 also have 4 USB port ready if we want connect something external function to it.

Figure 1: Raspberry pi 3

In this 3.2.2  we have raspbian Linux to be install into the raspberry pi 3 as the operating system. First we ready SD memory card (at least 8 GB), then insert into the card reader. Download  Win32DiskImager, then run the file.
Figure 2: Win32 Disk Imager 

          In the figure 3.4 show when Win32DiskImager run. Then, select the raspbian image file that have been make or downloaded. After select the raspbian, select the drive of the SD card for ‘device dropdown’ to install the raspbian os in the memory card. Lastly, select write and then wait until the instalizing process finnish. Now put the OS ready to be used on raspberry pi.

The force sensing sensor is ready with a polymer sheet or ink is aplied as screen printing which have both the elecrically conducting and non conducting particles on the sensing film. If foce applied to a surface of sensing film, it will make the particles to touch the conducting electrodes and thus make the resistance of the film to changes. When that happen it can detect the presence of force been applied to it. 

Figure 3: Force sensing resistor

          The speaker pillow that have been used is Sound Oasis SP-101 Sound Therapy Pillow Speakers that have the shape of flat speaker. This under pillow are designed to provide surrounding sound quality audio from beneath the pillow.

Figure 4:    Pillow speaker

          Because respbarry pi only have 3.3V pin thats somewhat low voltage for any vibration motor. So the vibration motor that we will use 10mm Vibration Motor that operating voltage only at 3V that have vibration speed of 12,200 rpm. 

Figure 5:   10mm Vibration Motor

Software Implementation
Python programs don’t need to be compiled before running them. However, we  need to install the Python interpreter on the computer to run them. the python interpreter is a program that can read python files and then it will execute the code. Python is an interpreted object-oriented programming language, suitable for rapid application development and scripting.

 To run the web server we use what commonly called LEMP stack that is Linux, nginx, MySQL, and PHP. LEMP uses Linux as the operating system on the raspberry pi that hosting the server than nginx as the the server itself. Then it use MySQL as a database management system and lastly, PHP for dynamic processing.
The Linux that will being used is Raspbian. This is the step to step to setup the web server:

1)    Install Raspbian
2)    Install Nginx
3)    Install MySQL
4)    Install PHP
5)    Configure nginx to use PHP
                  6)   Set up port forwarding

This week i finish the methodology for the project both for hardware and software implementation. the flowchart have shown how the project functioning.


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